
Symptomatic treatments for varicose veins

In the case of venous insufficiency, some treatments at Varicose Vein Treatment Center make it possible to relieve the pains and sensations of heavy legs, often associated with varicose veins.

Two types of Varicose Vein Treatment Near Me are possible:

The elastic support by low or bands: it is indicated at the onset of the first symptoms of varicose veins.

But it is a symptomatic treatment, which has no action on already installed varicose veins. Restraint reduces the dilation of the veins and increases the speed of venous blood flow. It decreases the volume of the limb with an anti-edema effect. Varicose Veins Treatment Near Me improves the efficiency of the calf muscle pump when walking.

Venotonic drugs: they relieve symptoms, but they do not affect the development of varicose veins. Note: they cannot replace lifestyle advice, or restraint, which is the benchmark symptomatic Treatment For Varicose Veins In Legs.

Different interventions can, however, make varicose veins disappear, such as Varicose Vein Removal Near Me. They can be considered:

To relieve symptoms that have become too painful

To prevent complications from venous insufficiency (venous ulcers, skin lesions or, more rarely, phlebitis and embolism)

For aesthetic reasons.

A Varicose Vein Treatment Centers assessment will be made before any intervention, including a Doppler ultrasound. This completely painless examination makes it possible to specify the state of the valves and the mechanism responsible for reflux.

Surgery for the most important varicose veins

Surgery is the Varicose Vein Treatment Texas of choice for the largest varicose veins. Several techniques exist. One of the most classic is stripping, which consists of removing the main vein from the lower limbs (the saphenous vein) by making two small incisions at the ankle and the crease of the groin.

The intervention is completed by the removal of all the small varicose veins that may have developed from the saphenous vein. After the varicose vein removal side effects, the blood returns through the deep veins. The only absolute contraindication to

Sclerotherapy in other cases

Sclerotherapy has the advantage of being a much lighter method, carried out in the office, and requires no anesthesia. It consists in injecting into the varicose vein, with a fine needle, a substance which will induce retraction and hardening of the diseased vein, which will become blocked.

Treatments for small varicose veins

As for varicose veins that affect secondary veins, they can then be removed:

  • either by sclerotherapy
  • either surgically, by phlebectomy.

It is a small surgery, performed under simple local anesthesia. Some practice it in the office, even if experts consider it preferable to intervene in the operating room, for reasons of asepsis, from small portions of Varicose Vein Removal Houston with a hook through tiny incisions.

Clip and Chiva

Other Varicose Vein Doctors Near Me use techniques exist, such as the installation of a metal clip on the saphenous vein (V-clip). But this clip is not enough to suppress reflux and must always be supplemented by sclerotherapy and phlebectomy.

Finally, a conservative Treatment for Varicose Veins Houston aimed at suppressing reflux without removing varicose veins is also possible. It is the hemodynamic cure for venous insufficiency, also called Chiva. It keeps the vein by diverting the diseased superficial veins towards the deeper veins.

Article Source : https://veintreatmenttexas.blogspot.com/2020/04/symptomatic-treatments-for-varicose.html

Venous Insufficiency Prevention And Treatment
Vein Specialists What You Need To Know
The Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the best vein centers of America. Our entire team of veins specialist at the vein treatment clinic are Board Certified. our vein specialists will also show you before and after pictures of the different treatment procedures. Schedule a free consultation And meet our DIPLOMATE CERTIFED Dr. Calvin Jung.

What Are The Ways To Treat Varicose Veins
The Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the best vein centers of America. Our entire team of veins specialist at the vein treatment clinic are Board Certified. our vein specialists will also show you before and after pictures of the different treatment procedures. Schedule a free consultation And meet our DIPLOMATE CERTIFED Dr. Calvin Jung.
Understanding About The Spider Veins
The Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the best vein centers of America. Our entire team of veins specialist at the vein treatment clinic are Board Certified. our vein specialists will also show you before and after pictures of the different treatment procedures. Schedule a free consultation And meet our DIPLOMATE CERTIFED Dr. Calvin Jung.

All You Need to Know About Sclerotherapy
There are many treatment methods you can use for treating varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is just one of them. If your vein Specialist Houston has advised that you need to go for the sclerotherapy treatment, then you need to know about the treatment.

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Chronic Venous Insufficiency Causes And Symptoms
Venous insufficiency occurs when valves become weak or damaged and your leg veins don't allow blood to flow back up to your heart. Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency may include: Swelling or heaviness, painful legs, Varicose veins, itching, leg cramps or muscle spasms. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or believe you may have venous insufficiency, schedule an appointment at vein treatment clinic today. Our experienced specialists treatments to bring you the relief that you deserve.

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All You Need to Know About Sclerotherapy

There are many treatment methods you can use for treating varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is just one of them. If your vein Specialist Houston has advised that you need to go for the sclerotherapy treatment, then you need to know about the treatment.

What is sclerotherapy?

It is a treatment where the doctor injects a chemical fluid into the blood vessels. The injection causes the vessels to shrink. It is a procedure for treating varicose veins and spider veins. It is a non surgical procedure and only needs an injection. The procedure can also be used in treating lymph vessel disorders. The fluid is injected directly into the vein and it will cause the vessel to swell and cause the flow of blood to cut off. Thus, the vessel will shrink.


One of the uses of sclerotherapy is in treating varicose veins. It will reduce the appearance of the varicose veins. Varicose veins usually occur in the legs and are purple in color. Varicose veins are painful and can cause skin issues or even rashes. Sclerotherapy works by shrinking the veins will reduce the vein damage. It will also make the veins less painful and less visible. Apart from treating varicose veins, it is also used to treat malformed lymph vessels, hemorrhoids which makes bowel movement uncomfortable and hydroceles which is common in testicles.

When is it appropriate to use the treatment method?

It is not everyone who has spider veins can be treated using the sclerotherapy. It is necessary that you discuss your symptoms with the doctor at the Houston Vein Clinic so that he can advise you on the way forward. If you have spider veins, you should consider the therapy when the veins are painful, your legs are sore, the skin on your legs is patchy, and when the area near the veins has a rash.

What to expect from sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy can be performed in the doctor office at the vein Treatment Near Me and will not require you to stay in the hospital. You need to consult with your doctor to assess the problematic vein. The procedure does not require anaesthesia. You have to follow the doctors instructions before you go into surgery. It is advisable to avoid lotions or any oils before having the treatment done at the vein Treatment Clinic Near Me.

During the sclerotherapy treatment, you have to lie on your back with your legs up. The doctor will clean the area before inserting a small needle in the vein. It may pinch just a little. The doctor will proceed with injecting the vein with a liquid solution. You may feel some tingling or nothing at all. The doctor massages the area once the procedure is compete. You may have to wear compression stockings. Your will have to do follow ups until the vein heals completely.

These are what you will encounter when you go for the sclerotherapy treatment method. The procedure does not take long and you may go back to work in a few days. If you have any questions about the procedure, you need to ask your vein specialist at the best Vein Treatment Houston before the procedure is done.

Article Source : https://veintreatmenttexas.blogspot.com/2019/05/all-you-need-to-know-about-sclerotherapy.html